Thursday, October 21, 2010

Foundation of Education

Cite specific administrative cases acused of teachers in your devision. Cite Moral and legal thoughts about the case.

Actually, in our new interim division, the Division of Escalante City have not yet any record for administrative cases accused of teachers whether moral or legal case. However, in our previous division, the Division of Negros Occidental there was one case accused of a teacher. He came from Victorias National High School. He was accused by the grandmother of the girl who was student in the same school of sexual harrasment. It happened in the year 2008 – 2009 when the girl was yet a fourth year student. They a sex video with this teacher who was her computer instructor. Video was taken in the computer lab. It was uploaded in the YuoTube entitled “Victorias NHS Scandal.” This alarmed the concerned when everybody viewed it in their cellphone. That is why the concerned relative of the girl filed a case against the teacher who was in the video having sex with the girl. The complainant brought the issue to the schools division superintendent and even it reachers the attention of the regional director.
Though the immoral act was committed by the teacher but the complained transpired a year after the girl graduated in high school and she don’t have any idea about the scandalous video that scattered over the cellphone and internet. She was in Manila that time. According to the relative, they filed the case so that the teacher will be out in the service due to immorality. Yet they cannot accused the teacher of rape or even sexual harrassment because the girl was already 18 years of age when they filed the complain. On the otherhand, if the girl was yet minor during the sexual act, the teacher can be accused of seduction and even sexual harrassment although she has the consent of doing so.

If you are the school owner and the administrator at the same time, how will you rise the moral and prestige of your teacher? Device or recommend a program so that the qualified teacher will not be tempted to see new employment.

Teaching is a noble job. It is a vocation that render sacrifices for the benefits of the learner. Teacher may risk his life to endure learning and to save children from harm and danger. Teachers should be given priority and due attention over other profession becase they mold the future citizens of the society. They are responsible for the framing of the societal reform.

Thus, as the owner or administrator of my school I will do the best of my capacity to rise their prestige so that they will not be tempted to look for another employment. Though the commitment is in the heart of a teacher but they feed their children and relatives out of their pocket. As a teacher, being one of the list of professionals he or she cannot allow others to mock them by feeding their relatives just like those who are earning below the basic. Ofcourse they will try their best to support their children with pride and send them to prestigious school also which require a large amount of money. What will happen? They will loan from private lending institutions to the extent that their net take home pay cannot afford to buy their basic needs. It is not behind our knowledge that most of the Education graduates came from poor family who strive hard to graduate.

First thing that I should consider is their salary and other personnel benefits. I see to it that it is beyond the basic. I will establish a cooperative in my school to manage the canteen. The proceeds at the end of the Fiscal Year will be divided among the members. The cooperative will run a savings bank affordable for everyone in very low interest. At the end of the Fiscal Year they receive also their dividend. A sort of livelihood project in the school, I establish a printing press which will print all support instructional materials needed for teaching in all subject areas. I will commission other school administrator to subscribe our SIM and the profit will be divided among the members of the cooperative.

Hence, we printed the SIM rest assured that quality education will be delivered. If my school delivered quality education, I can demand reasonable tuition fees that will support the progress of my school.

In the end my school will become one of the best school in the country. I will ask support from the LGU, NGU and Foreign institution to support poor but deserving students to be enrolled in school.

Discuss, how could you make your students more smarter because you, their teachers have already the foundation of Psychological, Sociological, Philosophical, Historical, Legal, Anthropological of Education. Cite example.

Knowledge in the Foundation of Education is very important in rendering quality education. In the study of the Foundation of Education, I learned the Psychological Foundation of Education in which the child is the center of the learning process. The learner’s attitude inside and outside the classroom affects his academic performance. I learned through Psychological Foundation that learners have multiple intelligences according to Howard Gardner. Through this, I can decide on what method I am going to use. And I will understand that not all learners possess all the intelligences.

I know that learners came from varied cultures and background based on the study of the Sociological Foundation of Education. Culture and background include the religious affiliation of the learners. Religious issues should not be touch in the midst of discussion so that one ego and interest will not be affected. Focus only on the issue related to the topic or lesson. Implication can be applied provided it will not go beyond the limit.

Through the study of Anthropological Foundation of Education, I learned that languages as means of communication evolve from generation to generation depending on the needs of the society. I believe that spoken language is the language of the soul and the heart. For one distinct culture and tribe has its own language. They easily understand each other through language. Even if one will just utter a single word or sound it can be understood by the one who come from the same tribe and culture. I as Math teacher, I believe that counting is the abstract state of the mind and even if you will not teach children to count they will really and absolutely count because it is in their being to count. They used it in their daily lives. Their first mathematics teacher is their father or their mother. The learner will fully understand the abstract of mathematics if it is taught in their own language. Since, soul is the abstract state of the human being so as to the spoken language is the language of the soul. Therefore, mathematics, is the soul and be taught in their own language.

Before the liberal education came to exist, the “school of thought” was dominated in the search for knowledge. The “school of thought” or philosophies was idealistic. It was more on imagining the ideal world to live in, the ideal action to posses everyday, and everything became the ideal one if it is meet. Famous philosophers Plato and Aristotle started to discover the reality of their idealism. They started to established a concrete examples on the things they thought exist. Until such time that idealism became a realism based on actual manipulation of objects. Here came John Dewey, famous of Pragmatism who pointed out “learning by doing”. Learning is not just the state of the mind but it is more in interacting with the environment. I believe that sending children out to their environment and let them explore and study what they see and let them give inferences and conlcusion will be more effective. Let them discover, so that we will develop a critical and scientific students who will become the future innovators, inventors and scientist.

Understanding the Legal Basis of Education here in the Philippines, I learned that the government strive hard to give quality education for all. The government try their best to eliminate illeteracy to all citizens even to the physically handicaped and authestic children. Up to this present, our curriculum developer continue to study on what program is the best suited for the rapidly changing society. I believe that integrating the ICT in the classroom discussion will be more effective, since students are engrosed with television shows. Their minds were envaded with computer games, internet fan page, cellphone scams, teleserye and others. Therefore, my creativity will come out so that the students will still be interested in my topic.

Lastly, education is continuous process since birth. Whatever a child sees and experienced since birth will give concrete learning for him. Now therefore, I suggest that education will be based on actual setting and reality based.

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